Holst foods have a history that dates back to 1864. For the past 150 years Holst Foods has played a prominent role in the import of meat and meat products. Holst Foods started as an importer of salted beef and pork from the USA and Argentina. These products were sold domestically as provisions for the shipping industry primarily to the whaling fleet until the late 1960’s. The import business expanded to include meat from several other countries, with a growth in our customer base expanding to Sweden and Finland. Today Holst Foods are market leaders with an estimated 50% market share of imported beef, lamb, and pork into Norway. Our customer base covers the meat industry, whole sale markets and the offshore industry. Our years of experience within the international meat trade have given us a vast network which is based upon building long term business relationships. A CORE VALUE OF HOLST FOODS!


Holst Foods AS
Kveldroveien 19
1407 Vinterbro
Tlf: +47 23 17 58 80
E-post: post@holst-foods.no